Fire extinguisher acronym
Fire extinguisher acronym

fire extinguisher acronym

If the manufacturer's instructions permit the use of an aerosol smoke product for testing the smoke alarm, choose one that has been examined and tested by a third-party product testing laboratory, and use it in accordance with the product instructions.Use the test button to test your smoke alarms at least monthly. The test feature tests all electronic functions and is safer than testing with a controlled fire (matches, lighters, cigarettes).If nuisance alarms are a persistent problem, look for a different type of smoke alarm and ensure they are installed in correct areas in the home. To prevent nuisance alarms, vacuum cobwebs and dust from your smoke alarms monthly. Never disable a smoke alarm, even if you experience nuisance alarms while cooking or showering.

fire extinguisher acronym

Fire extinguisher acronym install#

For the best protection, install interconnected smoke alarms in each bedroom and throughout the home.

  • In existing homes: If smoke alarms are not already in place, at a minimum install them on every level of the home and outside each sleeping area. If a fire occurs inside a bedroom, dangerous gases can cause heavier sleep.
  • fire extinguisher acronym

    Alarms must be wired together so that if one sounds, they all sound. In new homes: The National Fire Alarm Code (NFPA 72) requires hard-wired, interconnected smoke alarms with battery back-up on every level of the home, outside each sleeping area, and inside each bedroom.They can detect both smoldering and flaming fires. If you have a fire, smoke alarms can cut nearly in half your risk of dying in a fire. Smoke alarms sense abnormal amounts of smoke or invisible combustion gases in the air.

    Fire extinguisher acronym