Dwarf fortress quantum stockpile
Dwarf fortress quantum stockpile

dwarf fortress quantum stockpile

You can cap the migrant waves by setting a max dwarf limit in the LNP configurations. anything that recommends making a refuse stockpile outside is not adequately conveying that sealing off your fortress from the outside world is key, and IMO building an indoors well should be mentioned as something you need to do even if the process's not covered. Unfortunately I don't remember what the tutorial was and some tutorials out there are pretty mediocre, e.g. For me the learning curve was first giving up because I didn't even know what I was looking at or that z-levels existed, and then a year or two later watching a video tutorial that quickly laid down all the basics, and finding the game relaxing to play after that. It's a bit complex in that there are many ways to fail, but again the winning formula is simple. It's also possible all food was forbidden or there was an active civilian alert. Disabling web gathering at game start helps prevent dwarves being stranded in the caverns. In such a case the dwarf is likely walled off from the fortress in either the caverns or the surface, because anywhere else there wouldn't be water and they would die of dehydration first. The next likely reason is that a single dwarf might have become unable to path to food. Food will rot if not in a food stockpile, but the rate is pretty slow and easy to outproduce, also if underground the rot will produce miasma making it easy to notice. Causes of that could be not having enabled planting for every season, planting textile crops or crops that need to be processed before they are edible (if the textile crop fields are too large it might be fine on embark when you have only 5 seeds, but end up using up all planting time once the seed count is high), lacking seeds, perhaps from cooking the plants directly (cooking does not give back seeds), or being bottlenecked on field size or planter count. The likely reason for there not being food is underproduction. You could assign all your labors in the embarking screen, assign the first few arrivals as farmers and miners, and all the rest can be left to idle, or drafted into the military, or made scholars or priests or entertainers. Tools like Dwarf Therapist might give the impression that labor assignments actually matter a lot in the game, but really workers are really productive and a full-grown fortress of 200 dwarves can be easily run by under 10 workers.

dwarf fortress quantum stockpile

That was a whole new system to learn and I just lacked the motivation so stopped and never went back. I think the last time I tried I then got a monster invading and I hadn't figured out military yet. So I never got to that point where I felt like I had a good grasp of my colony as a coherent unit and could then engage in flights of fancy. Was it an issue of not having room to stockpile food? Or was the dwarf who could make food doing something else (possibly because he was the only person who could do that or he just happened to be the one who'd picked up the pick for some reason)? Likewise, i found the process of feeding the dwarves hard to manage largely because I couldn't easily figure out if there was any food, whether that was because no one was making any or that it was simply all getting eaten. But the whole process of making egg-laying boxes or nests or whatever was tedious and then you had to lock the door to stop the dwarves coming in and taking the eggs. Like I'd have chickens (or were they ducks? I forget) and I was attempting to breed them. Or why they weren't doing the things I was asking them to do.Ī lot of the things seemed way too roundabout to me too. Even with all these tools it quickly descended into me not having any idea who was doing what or why. Here's where I struggled: I still wouldn't have the hang of managing the dwarves I had and then a new crop would come along. I too installed and used Dwarf Therapist. A few years ago i tried to get into this.

Dwarf fortress quantum stockpile